SEC Filing Bot


Prospect with Power

We designed our software for sellers - with powerful data, we eliminate time spent prospecting for new leads.

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Level up your prospecting with SEC Filing Bot

Intuitive features put you in control of what's happening in the market in the fundraising market.

Advanced Searching

Searching gives you more insight

Supercharge your prospecting by gaining insight on new funding in any market.

Save & Share

Set your filters and receive updates three times a day.

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Filter Financial Data

See key funding data

Finding new prospects shouldn't take hours - that's why SEC Bot pulls in all relevant information with a click of a button.

Custom Analysis

Cut to the chase - design the emphasis that works best.

Financial Review

View by different time periods graphically and tabularly.

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Industry Screener

Find your ideal prospect

Find you ideal customer customer profile in a few clicks. Our filtering allows you to never new miss a prospects fundraise.

Custom Filters

Filter across your prospects industry, fundraising amount, and more.


See what is coming to market before your competitors.

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Sourcing deals starts with great data

Join the many organizations that use SEC Filing Bot to supply their prospecting data

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